Fall River smallmouth bass

River Smallmouth Bass In Fall


River smallmouth bass often migrate long distances in fall. Efficiently cover water to locate moving fish as they adapt to high vs. low water conditions.

River Smallmouth Bass

Smallmouth bass have a dramatic seasonal migration as the cold water hits. They often migrate 20 to 40 miles during this transition and seldom linger in any one area. The system we were fishing today encompasses many miles of free-flowing rocky river that flows into a shallow reservoir. Upriver stretches still hold most of the fish and they tend to remain relatively shallow at this time. As water temperatures dip from the high into the low 40s, smallmouths will have vacated the shallow upriver stretches in favor of deeper downstream areas.

Migration Patterns

Smallmouth bass have a dramatic seasonal migration as the cold water hits. They often migrate 20 to 40 miles during this transition and seldom linger in any one area. Rivers often encompasses many miles of free-flowing rocky river that flows into a shallow reservoir. Upriver stretches still hold most of the fish and they tend to remain relatively shallow at this time. As water temperatures dip from the high into the low 40s, smallmouths will have vacated the shallow upriver stretches in favor of deeper downstream areas.

Unusual Locations

What was intriguing was that the smallmouths we were catching were on the downstream side of what is basically an island. This is not usually where people would think about smallmouths, but under these conditions it seemed to be where the fish were gathering.


Smallmouth bass have a dramatic seasonal migration as the cold water hits. With the latest sonar technology, we were able to find the fish in unexpected places. It was a great experience and we were able to catch a big one. This experience has given us a better understanding of the migration patterns of smallmouth bass and how to find them in different conditions.

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