leech lake

Leech Lake Buzz Bite Report 7-19-2021


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We are definitely into the dog days of summer up here on Leech Lake and during those hot summer days it is never a bad idea to be pulling crankbaits.

There is a good walleye bite that develops around this time of year pulling crankbaits all across the main lake flats on Leech lake.

Some key spots worth noting are the sand flats around Goose Island and by the snake pits.

You should also try pulling crankbaits by Ottertail point all the way up to Duck point. There are some nice sandy areas with sparse weeds and walleyes tend to hang out there during the mid summer months. You should be able to find schools of good sized eater walleyes, with the occasional bigger sized fish.

As far as colors go on Leech Lake, try to match the hatch. Orange, reds, and perch colors are going to be the best.

Use baits that are similar to color and size to crawfish or perch.

I’d say my best crankbait to pull is the Rapala Shad rap in orange. It gets down to the right depth and the walleyes and pike seem to key in on it.

Jigging Raps are another good bait to use this time of year. Snap jig them aggressively to trigger strikes.

The panfish bite has been okay on Leech Lake. The crappie and sunfish bite has been tough but some anglers are catching some nice perch pulling crawlers or leeches.

You will have to do some sorting in order to get to some of the bigger fish, but if you stick after it you will have some nice fish in the end.

Good luck out there on the water. Get out there make memories and enjoy all Leech lake has to offer.


Contact Information:

Phone: 855-564-4665

Website: Leisure Outdoor Adventures

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