Mounting Catch Cover Accessories in the Yetti


Mounting Catch Cover Accessories in the Yetti

Here we’ve got the new Yetti Fish house, but we need to do a little accessorizing in order to get ready for the upcoming ice season.

To start it off I’ve got here is the Catch Cover quick disc system.

These things are really slick to mount around the house for rattle reels, rod holders, cup holders, and more.

When mounting them it is a pretty simple process all you need is a drill, a drill bit, a Phillips bit, a tape measure, and a sharpie.

We will mount these over every hole, and by places, people are likely to sit or fish. These mounts will really allow you to use and fish out of the entire house effectively.

Another great addition to add to your fish house is the Catch Cover rod rack. It can be mounted vertically and horizontally.

One place I like to mount this so it is out of the way is on the ceiling above the door of the fish house.

It’s a great spot for keeping your rods safe and easily accessible and helps you maximize your wall space.

The last thing I would recommend accessorizing your fish house with is the Catch Cover lid rack.

What that allows you to do is take one of the lids from the holes you are using to fish and turn it into a mini table. It has a grove that the lid fits into allowing for easy setup.

It is a great spot to set spare lures, bait, fishing tools, and anything else you might want within arms reach.

By mounting these accessories around your ice house you will be able to fish more effectively, store your gear more efficiently, and better enjoy your time out on the ice.

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