River Muskies Migrate to Deep Holes in Fall


During fall, river muskies shift location from shallow, swift-water stretches to deep holes with reduced current. Slowly retrieve large lures to trigger strikes in cold water.

River Muskies Migrate to Deep Holes in Fall

In this article, we will discuss the migration patterns of river muskies in the fall season. We will explore how these fish move from shallow flats to deep water holes and the impact of water clarity on their location and feeding patterns.

Changing Habitat

Last year, when we fished in this area, we caught quite a few muskies. However, all the fish were on shallow flats, around four to five feet deep. This year, we are finding that the fish are congregating around deep water holes. It’s intriguing to see how their habitat preferences have changed.

Importance of Deep Water

The key to finding muskies in this area seems to be locating deep water. If there is no deep water available, the fish are not as active. It’s interesting to note that the fish we caught today were all in deep water, indicating that it is the preferred location for them at this time.

Fishing ——- We had to be careful when fishing for muskies in deep water. The fish can be quite aggressive and dangerous, especially when they are hooked. It’s important to handle them with caution and avoid getting too close to their sharp teeth.

Seasonal Changes

It’s fascinating to observe how the muskies’ habitat preferences change on a seasonal basis. In the summer, they are often found in shallow flats, while in the fall, they migrate to deep water holes. This shows that they have specific habitat requirements depending on the time of year.

Water Clarity and Location

One interesting factor that affects the location of muskies is water clarity. We have noticed that the water clarity in different lakes can change from year to year. This ultimately affects the location and presentation patterns that are effective in catching these fish. It doesn’t matter what species of fish we are targeting, the location and behavior of the fish are always changing.

Traveling and Fishing

As part of our job shooting television shows, we have the opportunity to travel to different lakes and fish in various locations. It’s intriguing to see how each lake is different and how the fish behave differently from year to year. The changing water clarity and habitat conditions make each fishing trip a unique experience.


In conclusion, the migration patterns of river muskies in the fall season are fascinating to observe. These fish move from shallow flats to deep water holes, and their location is influenced by factors such as water clarity. As anglers, it’s important to adapt to these changing conditions and adjust our fishing techniques accordingly. By understanding the behavior and preferences of muskies, we can increase our chances of success on the water.

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