1-2 Punch- Finding Fish w: Sonar and Aqua-Vu

1-2 Punch: Finding Fish w/ Sonar and Aqua-Vu


Brian Brosdahl explains how he utilizes his Aqua-Vu underwater camera in conjuncture with his sonar units to more effectively comb water and find fish.

In this article, I will share with you some valuable insights on how to use an underwater camera, like the Aqua-Vu, to enhance your fishing experience. As an avid angler, I have found that combining the use of a depth finder and an underwater camera can be a powerful combination in locating and catching more fish. Let’s dive in!

Utilizing Depth Finder and Aqua-Vu Camera Together

One of the first things I want to emphasize is the importance of using a depth finder and an Aqua-Vu camera in conjunction with each other. When I’m out on the water, I start by using my depth finder to scout for potential fishing spots. I vary my speed, both high and low, to cover more ground and locate interesting areas or schools of fish. Once I spot something intriguing on my depth finder, I take it a step further by deploying my Aqua-Vu camera to get a closer look at what lies beneath the surface.

Finding Walleyes in Vegetation —————————— When it comes to finding walleyes in vegetation, one key factor to look for is green weeds. Green weeds, especially in the spring, act as a magnet for schools of walleyes. Using an underwater camera, like the Aqua-Vu, can be incredibly helpful in locating these green weed beds. By dropping the camera down and keeping it just a little ways above the weeds, you can observe the walleyes without spooking them. If the fish seem skittish, you can raise the camera slightly higher. Being able to see the fish take the bait and set the hook will greatly increase your hookups with these beautiful panfish.

Understanding Fish Behavior and Habitat

Our lakes are home to a wide variety of fish species, and it’s easy to misinterpret the signals on your depth finder. This is where an underwater camera becomes invaluable. It provides a crystal-clear picture of the fish species present and the bait fish below. Fish move around seasonally, transitioning from one habitat to another. They can be found in various types of vegetation, such as green weeds, as well as rock formations, wood structures like logs and flooded trees, and brush. The Aqua-Vu camera allows you to visually explore these habitats and identify the most productive areas.

Gaining Insight with Underwater Viewing

Over the years, I have spent countless hours underwater viewing with my Aqua-Vu camera, and it has greatly enhanced my understanding of what I see on my sonar. The camera provides a real-time, high-definition view of the underwater world, allowing me to identify fish species, observe their behavior, and gain insights into their feeding patterns. It has become an indispensable tool in my fishing arsenal.

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